This statement has been published in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It provides an update on steps that Oakfield (Foods) Ltd has taken during its financial year ending 31st December 2024 to further its commitment to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within its business operations and supply chains. The company has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery. Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour.
Oakfield (Foods) Ltd, office based in North London UK, the structure of our business has not changed since the previous financial year. We are a trading company that began in 1987, we have grown considerably now employing 67 people. We specialise in importing and exporting chilled, frozen, ambient, raw/cooked meat, poultry and food products including offal’s. We trade internationally to develop routes to market for its suppliers and long-term supply solutions for its customers.
We are committed to continually reviewing and ensuring that our approach prevents modern day slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business, with policies which contribute to our goal.
The statement sets out the steps that we Oakfield (Foods) Ltd have taken to mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring within any part of our business operations or our supply chain. Oakfield (Foods) Ltd are striving to ensure all suppliers and service providers are following the Global Code of Conduct that outlines the minimum expectations in various areas, and we expect all businesses involved in the supply of goods and services from a position of trust, teamwork, honesty, and mutual respect.We actively encourage fair trade principles and membership of SEDEX. Oakfield (Foods) Ltd will review and join in its implementation, working together to achieve continual improvements.
- Child labour is not used
- Children who are younger than the minimum age permitted by the law of the country of manufacture, or who are younger than the age for completing compulsory education shall not be employed.
- Children and young persons under the age of 18 shall not be employed at night or in hazardous conditions.
- The factory must maintain documentation for every worker, verifying the worker's date of birth. Where official documents are not available, a factory must be seen to take all reasonable steps to verify age.
- Companies shall develop a policy to provide for the transition of any child found to be performing child labour to enable them to attend and remain in quality education until no longer a child.
2. Employment
- Full time employees shall have a regular employment contract
- Staff will not be forced to work more than 48 hours per week
- Wages are fair and comparable within the industry and above legal standards
- Staff are provided with written terms and conditions of employment in the form of a contract, which details salary, holiday entitlement, absence and sick pay rules, grievance and disciplinary procedures and notice periods
- Pay slips detailing legal deductions from wages will be provided monthly
- No forced or involuntary labour shall be used
- Temporary staff supplied by an Employment Agency will be eligible to work in the UK
- 'Human trafficking' means the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.
- Oakfield (Foods) Ltd strictly prohibits any exploitative labour practices or any associated criminal conduct.
- Workers are not required to lodge "deposits" or their identity papers with their employer and are free to leave their employer after reasonable notice.
3. Discrimination will not be tolerated with regards to
- Salary
- Employment
- Training
- Promotion
- Termination of contract
- Retirement
Based on
- Age
- Religion
- Ethnicity
- Nationality
- Disability
- Marital status
- Sexual status
- Sex
Career development opportunities shall be equally accessible to all staff members
4. Corruption or degrading treatment shall not be tolerated:
- Blackmailing, sexual harassment, physical or verbal threats, bullying, abuse, bribery, intimidation
Freedom of Association
- Suppliers shall recognise and respect the right of workers to lawfully join associations of their choosing, and to bargain collectively.
- Oakfield (Foods) Ltd adopts an open attitude towards the activities of trade unions and their organisational activities.
- Workers' representatives are not to be discriminated against and will be given access to carry out their representative functions in the workplace.
- Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under law, the employer will facilitate, and does not hinder, the development of parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining.
Health and Safety
- Suppliers must provide a safe, clean, and hygienic place of work and keep to all local laws relating to health, safety and welfare in the workplace.All reasonable steps must be taken to prevent accident and injury at work. This requirement also applies to any accommodation provided for the workforce.
- The company observing the code shall assign responsibility for health and safety to a senior management representative.
- Exits must be clearly marked, be accessible and must be unlocked while work is taking place. Fire prevention and evacuation procedures and alarms must exist and be tested regularly.
- First aid facilities must be available.
- Access to clean toilet facilities and to drinking water, and, if appropriate, sanitary Facilities for food storage shall be provided.
Environmental Requirements
- Oakfield (Foods) Ltd will encourage suppliers to manage all waste that they generate in accordance with applicable environmental laws and regulations and must continually work to reduce the percentage of waste going to landfill.
- Oakfield (Foods) Ltd must encourage all suppliers to be aware of their carbon footprint and commit to a strategy of carbon reduction.
- Oakfield (Foods) Ltd must encourage all suppliers to look at reducing the level of packaging used and improve the recyclable content of both their products and packaging.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Oakfield (Foods) Ltd.’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 2024.